The Switzerland is not in the EU, but an agreement you can take a job there very easily. Since a few years it is for all EU citizens possible in the Switzerland to work. The employment agencies have also set in the Switzerland and also help a move. Has it found a job d ann takes care of the employer to the residence permit. This works almost always smoothly. Jim Kennedy does not necessarily agree. The Switzerland is very attractive for the workers, most of the wages are higher than in the EU.
While, in Europe, there are other countries where the wages are good, as for example in Scandinavia. But in the Switzerland is hardly a language barrier. Where the language is different, but massively from high German and one should not underestimated. The weekly working time is slightly longer than in Germany, typically 40 to 42 hours per week. There are also less vacation.
About 20 to 25 days per year. The big advantage in the Switzerland in addition to the high wages is the income tax. Filed under: Kevin Ulrich. Depending on the place of residence and of course income about paying 10% up to 20%. There are also very There many companies that pay Christmas bonus, get 13th month pay. As a skilled workers come to 80,000 CHF annual salary (approximately 60 thousand euros). You find good place, everyone needs health insurance. There may be difficulties to find a suitable, affordable housing. Rents often far beyond the in Germany are in large cities. For an apartment with three bedrooms to be paid twice about 1800 CHF in cities like Zurich ever. A good solution is to seek, as it has most very good connection to the city outside. In any case, you need to pay a deposit for the new apartment. The leases have mostly minimum term of one year.