The human being has erected at the apex of the pyramid of planetary predation. Rich Dad Poor Dad might disagree with that approach. When urban plans are made, and when the economic activity growth forecasts are established, do not generally take into account the volume of waste that will be generated, or the consumption of energy or materials needed to carry it out. Populate cement our lands and coasts, we amurallamos the natural waterways, we poison the air and water, we consume without replacing the ancestral resources, we desforestamos without limit or, simply exhausted the conditions that are essential for human life and not have anything like that in mind when showing the cost of the activity that is being carried out. The only thing that matters is to increase the monetary value of what we do and believe that this means that all was wind in its sails. When the institutions, social leaders, responsible for making justice and citizens themselves assume unblinking the convenient is to grow in any way, anyone may then be surprised that our around to multiply the insecurity, anxiety and fear. Today they should not be any doubt that the problem of economic growth lies in its intrinsic nature.
Mode, nor the pace is what will paralyze social progress and life itself on this planet. The enemy is growth itself and therefore should be objectors. The complaint is essential, the manifestation clear more possible problems. The irrational growth of our civilization has uncomfortable results, as shown in the film of Al Gore, but what is relevant is that it has causes and has purposes and, above all, has very directly responsible for. All this must be put on the table because, if not, we can hit us but we will not be able to determine what other direction should guide the social and economic life of this wounded planet. Juan Torres Lopez Catedratico of economy applied of the University of Malaga original author and source of the article.